Cainthus reveals a smart camera system to monitor feed

06-02-2020 | |
Photo: Cainthus
Photo: Cainthus

Cainthus has revealed its first product: ALUS Nutrition. The product offers bespoke technology that monitors feed 24/7 using a smart camera system.

Over the past four years Cainthus have worked tirelessly alongside their farmer advisor group to develop a technology that helps address the pain points of farmers particularly on large scale operations; pain points like labour shortages, disease, and animal welfare perceptions. With large dairy operations now housing thousands of cows it’s more important than ever to ensure that the best farm management practices are in place while also having the ability to know what’s going on at an individual level.

Photo: Cainthus

Photo: Cainthus

“Technology in ag is becoming more and more important, especially in dairy where efficiency is everything to survival because our net revenues are getting smaller and smaller,” said Steve Maddox Jnr., one of Cainthus farm advisors. “To be able to make it in the dairy industry we have to embrace technology and we are starting to do so more and more. Technology gives us the ability to treat every cow like it’s our only cow.”

ALUS Nutrition – first product

The first product to be released by Cainthus is ALUS Nutrition. This bespoke technology allows a producer to input their unique feed management plan or create a new one. Once data is input, ALUS Nutrition will then passively monitor events like feed deliveries, push-ups and cleanouts and track those movements relative to the desired schedule. If the events are not taking place as desired, then ALUS will alert the farmer.

ALUS Nutrition also tracks accessibility of feed 24/7 and will highlight times when feed is inaccessible, allowing the farmer to adjust the feed management plan if necessary.

Photo: Cainthus

Photo: Cainthus

Smart camera

A smart camera system collects video data on-site, processes the visual information in real time and gives back key insights that highlight any action to be taken to improve the farm’s overall profitability and productivity.

Insights are delivered daily to a phone or computer via an easy-to-use interface that can also provide access to detailed analytics for those who want to take a more in-depth look at feed management actions.

Cainthus, a Dublin-based agtech company, was founded in 2016 with a vision for the sustainable abundance of food which could in part be delivered by the adoption of data driven systems that provide meaningful measurement for dairy producers.

ALUS Nutrition is the first product release from Cainthus in early 2020 but will soon be followed by a wider technology suite that seeks to further enhance farm management systems from a nutritional, health, behavioral and environmental perspective.

“It is clear that AI will revolutionise animal husbandry and dairy farming in particular,” says Aidan Connolly, CEO of Cainthus, “and I am excited to be part of a company that is leading the process”.

Source: Cainthus

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van Dijk
Zana van Dijk Editor Dairy Global