Which management techniques should be considered to ensure the best grazing takes place? And which factors can be highlighted that have an impact on milk production. Read more in this edition.
Getting the most out of grazing
Feeding grass to cows is the cheapest form of fodder, particularly when offered in self-service pasture-based grazing systems, but this management model does not suit every farm. However, when it is possible, getting the most out of grass grazing for cows depends on specific management decisions made by farmers. Page 6
Can we do without livestock? A plea for a circular economy
Some say that, to save the planet, mankind had better focus on becoming totally independent of livestock. Pigs, poultry and cattle, however, have an important role to play in achieving a truly circular economy – after all, what to do with leftovers of food production? Page 10
Scaling up dairy farming in Finland
It is often the younger generations that want to take big steps. But at Kantoniemen Tila OY, father Juha would like to start scaling up to 600 cows at a new location. Son Joonas and nephew Ville Korhonen are more risk-averse. Page 14
US dairy shift: Fewer farms, bigger herds, higher efficiency
The US dairy industry is in the midst of a profound transformation. Over the past 2 decades, the number of dairy farms has decreased significantly, while the size of individual farms has increased. As a result, dairy farms have become more efficient, producing more milk with fewer cows, thanks to advances in technology and management practices. Page 22
A natural solution to improve cow reproduction
An inadequate immune response during the first 3 weeks after calving can lead to chronic uterine inflammation, which disrupts the uterus’ return to a functional state, delays the reproductive cycle returning, and consequently reduces reproductive performance. Often underdiagnosed, it impacts animal welfare and health while diminishing farm productivity and threatening the sustainability of dairy operations. Page 18
7 factors that impact milk production and quality
Milk production plays a key role in the economy of milk-producing countries. This article discusses some factors affecting milk production and quality in dairy cows, including extreme climate and humidity, which reduce feed intake and milk production. Weather and climate also affect feed abundance and quality, which, in turn, impacts the quantity and quality of milk. Page 25