Gut Health Special-Reserve your space now

19-09-2022 | |
Photo:Shutterstock / Volodimir Zozulin
Photo:Shutterstock / Volodimir Zozulin

Dairy Global is happy to announce that it will be publishing a special in December focusing on Gut Health in livestock. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of it.

The efficiency in which an animal converts food to energy is of vital importance. The gastrointestinal tract, or ‘gut’ as it is otherwise known, is where this magic happens.
Intestinal health problems lead to animal performance and profitability being jeopardised with infections being a major source of feed efficiency loss, downtime and additional costs for veterinary treatment. Certain feed components and feed additives can positively influence the microflora in the gut and in turn boost intestinal health. These ingredients often contain immune system stimulating components, antioxidants and other innovative solutions.

About the special

A healthy gut means that the animal can process its diet more efficiently, has a better immune system and is less susceptible to pathogenic bacteria and viruses. In this special edition we further examine the feeding solutions and managements practices regarding gut health and how they can positively influence animal health, performance and profitability of the farm.

Topics will include:

  • The use of novel ingredients/additives to stimulate gut health.
  • The immune-modulatory effects of feed ingredients.
  • Novel strategies to test and monitor gut health in animals.
  • And much more

Print, digital and online possibilities

The special will be included with the #5 issue of the regular print magazine. All the articles will be published online and highlighted in special e-newsletters.

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Van Es-Sahota
Sunita Van Es-Sahota Editor special projects
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