Bringing in a non-family partner into the dairy business

14-04-2023 | |
“Success looks to me a team that works really well with each other, that respects each other, that is all working toward a goal and all working towards the farm’s success,” says Dairyman Jeremy Natzke from Wayside Dairy in Greenleaf. (Generic) Photo: Canva
“Success looks to me a team that works really well with each other, that respects each other, that is all working toward a goal and all working towards the farm’s success,” says Dairyman Jeremy Natzke from Wayside Dairy in Greenleaf. (Generic) Photo: Canva

Another major change at Wayside Dairy took place in 2022 – one that opened up an opportunity for short-term, long-term and generational success. Dairyman Jeremy Natzke from Wayside Dairy in Greenleaf, Wisconsin, United States, shares his experience.

Formerly, the partnership included Jeremy, his sister Jenna Nonemacher, father Dan Natzke and uncle Paul Natzke. Paul desired to retire from the farm, which meant the ownership and management team would need to find a replacement for Paul’s expertise on the cropping and operations side.

It just so happened the perfect fit for skill set, experience and values was already pulling into their yard regularly: Jesse Dvorachek. The 2 men had known each other since their t-ball days. Jesse had gone on to build a successful custom manure application business, yet he always had an interest in farming himself.

(L-R) Jenna Nonemacher, Jeremy Natzke, father Dan Natzke and Jesse Dvorachek. Photo: Peggy Coffeen, courtesy of Wayside Dairy
(L-R) Jenna Nonemacher, Jeremy Natzke, father Dan Natzke and Jesse Dvorachek. Photo: Peggy Coffeen, courtesy of Wayside Dairy

Success on the dairy farm

Some may say the preparation for the partnership was a lifetime in the making. But, perhaps the greatest preparation on the part of Jeremy and the other partners was this: an open mindset. The belief that success can be achieved and enjoyed by multiple parties and amplified when strengths and skill sets are leveraged.

With this preparation in place, they could act on the opportunity quickly. Getting the paperwork and plans drafted up with Twohig Rietbrock Schneider Halbach S.C. was an easy next step toward success.

“Success looks to me a team that works really well with each other, that respects each other, that is all working toward a goal and all working towards the farm’s success,” Jeremy says.

And that success means preparing this business now to be a profitable, viable and sustainable option for Jeremy, Jesse and Jenna’s young children to someday pursue their own career if they so choose.

“Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation.” And Jeremy and the partners at Wayside Dairy are working each day to be prepared when opportunities for shared success arise.

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Peggy Coffeen Founder of Uplevel Dairy and the Uplevel Dairy Podcast
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