Ensure grass reseeding success

06-04-2021 | |
Photo: Mark Pasveer
Photo: Mark Pasveer

With grass reseeding it is important preparatory steps are taken now. Alex Law, grassland and forage crop product manager at Carr’s Billington gives some insights into what should be considered.

Law advises that prioritising what leys to reseed, in what order is key. “This comes down to the results of a soil sampling report and having a clear understanding of how a new ley will be beneficial,” he says in a recent press release.

Photo: Mark Pasveer

Photo: Mark Pasveer

Soil sampling

“A soil sample report will determine the suitability of the area you want to reseed. For optimal growing conditions you ideally want a soil pH between 6-6.5, and phosphorus and potassium levels at an index of 2 to ensure nutrients are readily available for root growth.

“Although grass will germinate if soil conditions aren’t favourable, you should aim to focus on areas that have shown the most conducive results. This will ensure you have the best chance of growing healthy, highly productive swards and will help to reduce extra establishment costs,” explains Alex.

He also notes that areas with less favourable soil conditions can be repaired and reseeded at a later date.

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Individual farm requirements

Alex adds that reseeding should be modelled to individual farm requirements including the selection of grass varieties. “Only a proportion of the farm may need to be reseeded to reach a particular productivity target, whether it be for grazing livestock or silage. As a general guideline, it’s advised a minimum of 10% is reseeded per year to sustain grass quality.

“However, this percentage will depend on many factors such as topography and your farm system,” he says.

Alex Law, grassland and forage crop product manager at Carr’s Billington gives some insights into what should be considered when reseeding.

Alex Law, grassland and forage crop product manager at Carr’s Billington gives some insights into what should be considered when reseeding.

According to the press release, other factors should be taken into account such as height above sea level, average rainfall and how long you want a field to be in grass for will also have an impact on how reseeding should be approached, and which grass varieties would be most appropriate.

“A successful reseed will pay back faster so it is very much worth putting initial preparation time into getting the results you are aiming for,” concludes Alex.

Source and for more info: Carr’s Billington

van Dijk
Zana van Dijk Editor Dairy Global